Sunday, December 16, 2007

  • rin: haha! yaya you go back to your MOS best. =p EHH dont need think, i really AM alone..
  • mike: LOL what? -.-"
  • keaiigal: eh? i didnt know you stayed close to me. or did i forget? oops. hahah` anw, i dont take the lift anymore now. haha`
  • jo: wah, that`s really violent. hahah!
  • fion: where got cute loh! she xing zai le huo leh. i force alr nv open. that banglah forced and open then the lift went to 2nd floor. LOL` your friend is really strong man. =x

was browsing around blogs & i think dasmond koh is super cute lah.
he wrote this in one of his entries:
Used to receive mails, so I replied. Now everyone rely on emails and internet, who send letters in tradition way? Ha! Therefore, since Christmas coming, why not you leave your mailing address and name ( ya, name… not all the nicks :p ) in the comment box so that I can ‘act sweet’ by sending you season’s greeting! Dun worry, won’t post ur details out!
and that earned him a hell loads of comments.

guess if he`s going to keep his promise, the week is going to be a busy one.
buying cards, writing & signing the cards, putting into the envelopes, buying stamps, writing the addresses, sending out..
but yea, i guess the fans will be thrilled! (:

there was this very huge crowd at the arrivals last night.

okays, i know you cant see the crowd there.
cos i just took this picture for the sake of taking it. LOL`

and who were they awaiting?

kim jeong hoon; better known as prince yul.

he arrived in singapore last night at 2100 hrs.
me & usemore friend was camping outside the gatehold room.
then a couple more girls came crowding too.
and bcos of them, the police officers came warning us..
so yea, we weren`t allowed to take pictures of him.
already got our cameras prepared but TOO BAD..

oh well, at least i saw him!
he`s so sweet looking, i can melt. LOL
didn`t dare to follow after bcos of that two stupid police officers.
and of course, no pictures were taken too.
i don`t want to get myself involved in some offence & fail my attachment you see..

oh well.
catch him on star awards tonight then.
the TV has got a clearer view. hahaha`
he`ll be departing tmr night but nahh..
i`m not going to stay after work just to see him. LOL`

but i wont deny..
seeing these STARS is a motivation to go to work.
because the job scope is really boring. ):


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

next time if see those policeman carrying unattended bag, ask them to do the report themselves. dont trouble our CSO. HMMPH! hahahas.
so near yet so far larrhs!! SIGH can.