Thursday, January 17, 2008

  • an: haha good luck to you! it`ll be your turn soon in the most 6 months` time. (:
  • jo: sometimes my mom will too. heheh`
  • jun: (:

afternoon shifts have never been so tiring.
haven`t had time to even talk to my parents these few days.
by the time i reached home, they`re already asleep..
like last night, left the airport at like 11pm so reached at ard 12.15am.
stood for the whole day before that and i can feel my legs breaking.
i`m glad today is my off day..

and have you saw the latest gadget coming to town?

the duper slim MacBook Air.

it is so pretty..
i don`t know about the functions, but at least it LOOKS pretty..

and so is my boy. (:
haven`t got pictures of my pretty boy.
shall go take some pictures when he comes later or anytime soon.

and yes,
i`ve got a little present from dardy.
although i haven`t got chance to talk to him yet..
saw this on the table & i supposed it is for me..

so now, all i have to do is wait for my boy to arrive!

some motivation & ideas for final report please?

♫ 每年这个季节特别有感觉,
我好想你想再见你一面.. ♫


Unknown said...

i tink HE is more girly cos HE's orange. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

is ur boy the ORANGE one?? LOLS.

shermianz said...

so i presume ur boy is a car?

REYNA*爱♥ said...

wahahaha! i wanna see ur boy too!