Saturday, January 12, 2008

  • jo: heh, there.. (:
  • gladys: eh really? she don`t look that young. omg lah. youngsters nowadays are scary. hahah we are old man.
  • rin: hahah if you don`t then there is a problem. =p

usemore friends at work.

this is the reason..

i know the tester actually closed one eye..
he was still commenting how weak i was when we were going back.
at the point, i already assumed that i failed again.
but yea, it was a surprise!
thanks mr chang. (:

dardy was the first to know.
because he skipped half day work to come down & give me moral support!
i was like so afraid that i`d disappoint him..

actually i still can`t drive properly lah.
but at least, now i can learn driving without paying instructors!
the amount spent is freaking chor hor..

leeched a ride from dardy this morning to apply for my license.

mind you, this thing cost me around $2.8k okays..

you know what is like father, like daughter?
dardy also got his license on his 2nd attempt at 19 years old.

enough of that.
i`m not showing off okays, just sharing my happiness.
and poor cuthbert now should be having music to his ears now.


that`s what i do.
hur hur.

watched the SP of the golden path`s last 2 episodes.
the ending is seriously so hong-kie lah.
but well, i shall not do the spoilers here. (:

i`m so tempted to spree again!
but i suppose i should save money..
because i wanna go on a holiday after graduation!
anywhere is fine, just overseas, best if can FLY..
but well, i wonder if my parents will even allow..

a song from coffee prince.

i always wanted to ask.
if you understood just a little of my feelings,
although i never told you...


REYNA*爱♥ said...

woohoo!!! CONGRATULATION eewhesteey

Anonymous said...

well done darling!!!!

shermianz said...

congrats cousiee!!! i hope it's true... like father like daughter/like mother like daughter. my mum passed on her first... i hope i can too. driving is EX! so broke!

Anonymous said...

congrats on getting ur lic.. But 2.8k is quite alot.. Did u took the sch instead of private?