Sunday, January 06, 2008

staring at stars is like staring backwards in time; since some stars are so far away that their light takes million of years just to reach us, we see stars not as they look now but as they were when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

if i can really stare backwards in time,
i wish that i could see a more beautiful world..
why do we have to keep going forward and never look back?
how can we be so sure that we haven`t left any precious memories behind?

i`ve got burning questions & burning thoughts..
but it is so not up to me to clear them away.
in this new phase of life,
why do i still feel so poisoned by your existence?
probably i`m just not over you..

it was wendy`s think pink party yesterday.
we were told to be dressed in pink.
and she invited many of her friends..

just some random pictures taken around.

around 2 more years to my 21st birthday.
i wonder if i`d even open a party like hers when it`s my turn.


i really hate my fringe.
give it one more month & i`ll trim it myself.

my head hurts.
from coughing non-stop since last night on the train.
not like i`m having sore throat..
i just keep getting choked by air or some sort.
and i`m getting irritated myself, not to mention anyone around me. -.-"

and there`s a freaking 6% report due tmr.
have yet to get started & i almost forgot about it.
got to get it done by tonight.
there`s still one more due on the 4th next month.
i seriously hate attachment man...

last but not least..
sorry for canceling the dinner, SB..
have a safe trip to thailand!

you`re still a part of everything i do,
you`re on my heart just like a tattoo..


Anonymous said...

think pink?! that is so ME! LOLS (:
and tattoo is a nice song right? i let u listen before mah.. remember?

Anonymous said...

drink more water?
better take care okie.


next time we drive and count down okie.