Monday, January 07, 2008

  • rin: haha the first time i heard the theme i thought of you too! yes yes, i rmb. usemore friend always let me listen to all the nice songs with emo lyrics. =p
  • raisa: yes darling. let`s do it end of this year! i`m sure we`ll all get our licenses by then. ((:

okay lah.
i admit i`m a lazy bug.
i just changed the colours. =p

craving for cookies!

chewy cookies taste like my failed crunchy cookies.
seems like my failed cookies aint a failure afterall.

by the way..
i think joe cheng`s role in ISWAK 2 resembles somebody so much..

which i can`t help smiling each and everytime i watch it.

i need to start finding jobs already.
less than a month to freedom-cum-graduation.
and i`ll have 5 months to work before school starts again.
oh, but that`s if i can get into a local university & decide what to study.

i feel like i`m back to the same point again.
the point where i wish & i wish & i`m still only wishing...

wish i could press rewind,
and rewrite every line to the story of me & you..


Anonymous said...

hey when wanna go have some drink? hahaa.

Anonymous said...

hey when wanna go have some drink? hahaa.

Anonymous said...

i prefer the strawberry tse hwee! HAHAS. anyways, emo rawks, NOT! LOLS. and that line, at the end there, seems familiar too. HMMM.