Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a date i`ve been so looking forward to,
caused so much tears & disappointment.

but should be pretty expected.
firstly, screwing up the warm up.
then, doing the wrong parking during test.
everything else went quite smoothly.
i wasn`t nervous at all, but it didn`t help..

this picture should say it all.

what a nice score. (:

well, on a lighter note..
i`ve got my pay, like finally! (:

but these money don`t go to my bank.
they`re going to go somewhere call BBDC. -.-"

daddy say not to think about the money.
but seriously, how not to?
i don`t want to be like spending 3k on driving when i could spend just 2k.
why am i so useless? ):

but well..
there`s still a tiny chance,
to fulfill my wish,
of getting my license,
before my 19th birthday..
i can do it, right?

dinner at roma`s with boy.
nowadays boss kinda gives staff discount.
he never used to.. =p

and gotta work again tmr.
seems like skipping work today for nothing.

i don`t know what to do..
i don`t have the courage.
should i just leave things as it is?
today is the 16th, and it means alot to me. ):


Anonymous said...

yes! u can get it before ur 19th birthday!

LLY said...

driving test?

Anonymous said...

hey irritating eyer! is everything okay? chill alright! :) irritating shit is always here.