Thursday, January 10, 2008

  • shermian: haha me too lah! but nvm lah, i watched alot of shows. my typical stay-home thing to do. lols..

i see a ray of light for my future!
but nah, was stabbed kinda deep in the heart..

attended EDvance 2oo8 today.
i went for 4 of the presentations.
  • NUS Business
  • NTU Business
  • NUS SoC

seriously, only the first on the list was interesting.
the rest kinda sucked.
so i was quite attracted to that NUS BBA thingy.

but the speaker said,
"GPA 3.8 should be okay. 3.6 is borderline, may need to go for interview.."

totally like killed the mood please. -.-"
seems like there`s no hope eh..

got myself a couple more brochures.
a few from NTU & the rest all NUS..

seems like a hard time to sort out which to choose.
but i don`t seem to have much choice.
just gonna pray hard that one of those courses i want, will want me too..

did i mentioned that my dardy bought a china phone from sim lim?
he got it for my mommy.
because he thinks that the features & stuff can meet her needs.

can write chinese words and the fonts are big enough..
even the handbook is in chinese.

he even configured everything nicely for her knowing she doesn`t know how to..
then setting our family picture as the wallpaper,
and then their lovely pictures as the screen saver..
duper sweet of him can..
even i`m melting. (:

and it is a TV phone too..

imagine if i bring it to work.....
i won`t miss my golden path anymore!!

oh yes,
i dug out all these cash from my secret-hiding-place.

just nice to pay my instructor..
for the last time, i hope..

tmr is such an important day all over again.
please let it be beautiful.
and i suppose i should get to bed early too.

meanwhile, maybe you`d like to enjoy this song..

good nights! (:

i don`t know what i want, so don`t ask me..
cos i`m still trying to figure it out.
don`t know what`s down this road, i`m just walking..


Class: UOLFT-BB said...

eheh raindrops on my guitar by her oso nice!! and our song too.
good lucks eewhesteey!!!! hope to see u on road tml.lol.

REYNA*爱♥ said...

ur dad so uber sweet & nice please!
ur mummy heart sure melt & evaporate le larh! HAHAHA :D

Melvyn said...

NUS biz sucks. 4 years some more. Go NTU or come SMU :)