Wednesday, January 09, 2008

  • an: that is damn evil of you leh. but i don`t mind if you want to treat. hahah`
  • rin: haha why will i want to get rid of usemore friend? i know you will miss me too. teehee*
  • chengjoo: LOL you can relink and still visit that page. =D hahah and thanks for the thought. hope you had a great day too! ((:
  • shermian: aiya. didnt know earlier.. should have asked you out. lols`

it is only when i look for company,
that i realise how small a circle of friends i actually have.
oh well, seems like everyone`s busy with projects now!
probably i should also be with my report, but there`re too much distractions going on...

2 more days to the beautiful date.
feeling even more stressed now.
if you think tse hwee is strong, think again..
i don`t think i actually can handle failure a second time. ):

drove home & learnt parking at the carpark downstairs.
and sigh, i still cant visualize..
the direction, the position of the car, everything...
is it me or is it really that hard?

my heart is already aching for my pocket.
apart from the $1.9k spent in school..

that is how much more i had to fork out.
and hey, that`s provided i don`t fail again. shiats.

have been trying to do up my resume.
then i`m going mass send to companies, praying someone will employ me.
fat hope? lol`
on another note, i hope EDvance talk tmr can help me. (:

my fears behind me,
gone are the shadows and doubts;

that was then, this is my now..


shermianz said...

aiya. ya lo~ i had driving lesson today too and then nth to do for e whole day cos everyone was @ work or school! wasted.